英字新聞 語彙力強化5




Why the Jewish Women Who Fought the Nazis Were Forgotten | Time


On Yom Hashoah, we light memorial candles and mourn the dead. But which narratives of the Holocaust do we recall? Why have certain stories predominated our understanding while others have seemingly vanished?


mourn 嘆く、悲しむ、哀悼する


to feel very sad and to miss someone after they have died


narrative 物語、物語文学、説話


1 [countable] a description of events in a story, especially in a novel

2 [uncountable] the process or skill of telling a story


predominate 優位を占める、優勢である、卓越する、顕著である、主である。


1 if one type of person or thing predominates in a group or area, there are more of this type than any other

2 to have the most importance or influence, or to be most easily noticed


seemingly うわべは、表面上は、見たところでは、明らかに


1 appearing to have a particular quality, when this may or may not be true 

[sentence adverb] formal according to the facts as you know them


vanish (突然) 消える、見えなくなる、なくなる、消滅する


1 to disappear suddenly, especially in a way that cannot be easily explained

2 to suddenly stop existing