[ ] = [ ]
Tom is a student. トム / = / 学生
[Tom] is [a student].
[ ] + [ ]
[ ] = [ ]
Tom and Ann is a student. トムとアン / = / 学生
[Tom and Ann] is [a student]
[Tom + Ann]
[<a> student]
[ ] + [ ]
→ [ ]
I study English and Japanese. 私は / 勉強する / 英語と日本語を
[I] study [English and Japanese].
[English + Japanese]
2、句と句 (主語と動詞がない2つ以上のカタマリ)
[ ] + [ ]
→ [ ]
I bought a big apple and two oranges. 私は / 買った / 大きいリンゴ
+ 2個のオレンジ
[I] bought [a big apple and two oranges].
[<a><big> apple + <two> oranges]
→ [ ] + [ ] → [ ]
I read a book and he plays tennis. 私は / 読む / 本を / + / 彼は / する/ テニスを
[I] read [a book] and [he] plays [tennis].
[I] read [a book] + [he] plays [tennis].
→ [ ] → [ ]
[ ] + [ ]
→ [ ]
I like studying English and reading books 私は / 好き / 英語を勉強すること
+ 本を読むこと
[I] like [studying English and reading books]
[studying English + reading books]
[stuyding English + reading books]
[ ]= [ ] [ ]= < >
[ ] + [ ]
→ [ ]
I know that he is a liar and that she is kind. 私は / 知っている / 彼 = 嘘つき
+ 彼女 = 親切
[I] know [that he is a liar and that she is kind].
[that [he] is [a liar] + that [she] is <kind>]
[ ] + [ ] [ ] < > → [ ] + [ ]
[ ] → [ ]
Tom and Ken know that the cute dog in the room likes oranges and apples.
トム / 知っている / その可愛い犬 <部屋の中の> / 好き / オレンジ
+ ケン + リンゴ
[Tom and Ken] know [that the cute dog in the room likes oranges and apples].
[Tom + Ken]
[that <the><cute>dog <in the room> likes [oranges] + [apples]]
<in <the>room>
→ [ ] → [ ]
[ ] =[ ] + [ ] = [ ]
My hobby is to read books and his hobby is to play tennis.
私の趣味 / = / 本を読むこと / + / 彼の趣味 / = / テニスをすること
[My hobby] is [to read books] and [his hobby] is [to play tennis].
[<My>hobby] [to read books] + [<his>hobby] [to play tennis]
→ ( ) ( ) + → [ ] ( ) + → [ ] + → ( )
I went to school today and studied English hard and ate lunch and went home.
私は / 行った / 学校へ / 今日
+ / 勉強した / 英語を / 一生懸命に
+ / 食べた / ランチを
+ / 行った / 家に
[I] went (to school) (today) and studied [English] (hard) and ate [lunch] and went (home)
[I] went (to school) (today)
+ studied [English] (hard)
+ ate [lunch]
+ went (home)
英文には、全部で5つの形があります。そのうちの1つが「主語」「動詞」しかないタイプです。つまり、動作を受ける対象がいない文です。簡単にいうと自分一人でできる動作のときに使います。たとえば、「走る」「笑う」「泣く」などがあります。 ex. run / laugh / cry
I ran.
I cried.