英字新聞 語彙力強化2




What the Boat Stuck in the Suez Canal Is Costing the World | Time


Rescuers are racing to dislodge a vast container ship stuck in the Suez Canal before tides shift next week, potentially stranding it there for weeks and costing the global economy tens of billions of dollars.


 rescue 救助する、救う、奪回する、不法に救出する

to save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm


dislodge ~を移動させる、除去する、追い払う、撃退する


 to force or knock something out of its position


tide 潮、潮の干満、潮流、風潮、傾向、形勢、盛衰、


the regular rising and falling of the level of the sea


potentially 潜在的に、もしかすると、~する可能性がある


something that is potentially dangeroususeful etc is not dangerous etc now, but may become so in the future


strand 座礁させる、立ち往生、させる、行き詰らせる

bring to the ground


As backhoes and tug boats worked around the Panama-flagged Ever Given’s 400-meter-long hull on Thursday evening, experts began to tot up the economic and environmental ramifications of a protracted obstruction. 


  hull  船体


the main part of a ship that goes in the water


ramification 効果、結果、影響


an additional result of something you do, which may not have been clear when you first decided to do it