☆Castle Carrousel
White horses run to the beautiful sounds of the calliope.
White horses with colorful trappings… Pick your white horse and feel like Cinderella or Prince Charming. The dreams and hopes of Disney's classic film Cinderella unfold on this lovely carrousel.
calliope カリオペ、蒸気オルガン
trapping (装飾用の) 馬具、(衣服の) 装飾品
unfold 開く、(風景、物語、事態などが) 展開する
carrousel メリーゴーラウンド、回転木馬
run to the beautiful sounds の部分のto は「~に合わせる」という意味。
White horses / with colorful trappings… / Pick your white horse / and feel / like Cinderella or Prince Charming. / The dreams and hopes / of Disney's classic film Cinderella / unfold on this lovely carrousel. /
☆Snow White's Adventures
Board a mine car through a dark forest where a scary witch lurks.
Travel deep into the deep, dark forest where you'll meet the jolly Seven Dwarfs and a sinister old woman offering a poisoned apple… What will become of Snow White? Will she escape the forest?
Boarding Restrictions
- Guests who cannot maintain a stable sitting position alone in a moving vehicle may not ride.
mine car 鉱車
scary 恐ろしい、おっかない、薄気味悪い
lurk 潜む、待ち伏せる、隠れている、こっそり歩き回る、うろつく
jolly 楽しい、愉快な、陽気な
Seven Dwarfs 七人のこびと
sinister 不吉な、縁起の悪い、悪意のある、邪悪な
What will become of ~ ~に何が起こるのだろう
the deep, dark forest where you'll meet ~ の部分は関係副詞。
Guests (who cannot maintain a stable sitting position alone in a moving vehicle) may not ride.
主語がguests で述語はmay not ride の部分。主語と述語が離れた文に注意すること。
Travel deep / into the deep, dark forest / where you'll meet / the jolly Seven Dwarfs / and a sinister old woman / offering a poisoned apple… / What will become / of Snow White? / Will she escape the forest? /
- 乗り物に1人で座って安定した姿勢を保てない方はご利用になれません。